
Innovation Hubs

You are looking for ...

... innovation outside your current product and service portfolio - in new fields, with new business models and other partners.
... support in establishing and designing specific innovation areas that complement established research and development areas.


How we can support you

  • We co-create with you a requirements profile for an appropriate organizational solution.
  • We work with you to develop the appropriate organizational model to address the tension between independence and connection with the entire or parent organization.
  • We support the implementation of new innovation units and help them connect with the established parts of the organization in a productive way.

How you benefit

  • You strengthen and expand the innovative power of your organization.
  • All development activities are connected in a productive way.

What is important to us

  • Exploratory innovation and business portfolio expansion require a wide range of forms. Investing in start-ups, partnership agreements or building your own integrated or separate innovation units. We start with the question, not with a specific solution.
  • The organizational and commercial rationale behind disruptive innovation is different to classic product innovation. Using both approaches simultaneously requires appropriate perspectives and decision-making processes at all management levels.
  • An iterative approach that continuously reviews results saving resources and enabling further development.

More about Organizing Innovation and Ambidexterity

Making innovation organizationally effective

Organizing Innovation and Ambidexterity

Effectively align corporate control and management systems

Organizing Innovation and Ambidexterity