
Developing business models

You are looking for ...

... for new business models as part of the strategic repositioning.
... an effective and efficient way to generate business model innovations.
... innovative business models that support your strategy, and "suitable" forms of implementation in your organization.
... experienced consulting that focuses on strategic fit, business model innovation and necessary organizational design in equal measure.


How we can support you

  • We work with a structured, tried and tested process model for business model innovations.
  • We make use of a broad spectrum of methods and tools e.g., Design Thinking and Lean Start-up, depending on the context.
  • We design stimulating settings that challenge and encourage the creativity, motivation and commitment of the team.
  • We support all phases of business model innovation - from strategic task definition to the different phases of validation and scaling.
  • We offer support during implementation (e.g. in the form of sparring with the management team).

How you benefit

  • A larger number of implemented business model innovations.
  • Selecting the right methods and approaches for your context.
  • Strengthening the competence to innovate and develop new business modelsinnovations among executives and involved teams.
  • Sustainable success of business model innovations by considering all phases from idea generation to scaling.

What is important to us

  • It is only an innovation if it is successful in the market.
  • Business model innovations include their sustainable implementation throughout the organization and including all relevant partners.
  • The core is the "product-market fit," i.e., the proven market attractiveness of the offering.
  • Innovation ideas without strategic anchoring (almost) always die.
  • Designing the framework for innovations is a management task - from strategic framing to scaling after validation.
  • The systematic and consistent termination of initiatives and business models that are no longer effective is an important management task.

More about Strategies and business models

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Strategies and business models

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Strategies and business models